Programs Officer Vacancy
Programs officer vacancy
Closing date for applications: 15 October 2014
TIA is currently seeking a Programs officer; commencement of work is November 2014
About us
Transgender and Intersex Africa is a human right organisation found in 2010 by transgender activist, Tebogo Nkoana. We are a registered as a non-profit organisation that lobbying and advocating for the rights of black trans and intersex persons in South Africa and are slowly engaging on a regional level. Our long term goal is to increase the quality and accessibility of comprehensive healthcare for rural and township based transgender and intersex persons in South Africa and to also ensure visibility and gender recognition of transgender and intersex people through a human rights frame work.
Our long term outcomes are:
• To enforce trans healthcare within primary health services in South Africa
• To ensure the recognition of trans and intersex health needs within the national department of health.
• A national HIV response that is inclusive of trans health needs, vulnerability and issues.
• Simple accessibility to gender marker changes within Identity documents though provisions made available by act 49 of 2003.
• A raised positive profile of trans and intersex issues among cultural, traditional and religious groups though outreach activities and campaigns and media.
• To ensure a human rights sensitive approach to intersex health care
• Ability to administer programs and initiatives
• 3 years experience of working in LGBT sector or gender related sector
• Report writing
• Facilitation skills
• Group management
• Team building skills
• Analytical and problem solving skills
• Decision making skills
• Effective verbal, presentation and listening communications skills
• Effective written communications skills
• Computer literacy
• Time management skills
• Flexible
• Consult with our constituency and TIA staff to identify program needs
• Develop long range plans, programs and strategies
• Monitor programs and activities to ensure they meet stated goals
• Assist with program evaluations and updates to programs
• Act as a resource about program development and initiatives
• Collect and analyze information and data for report
• Prepare briefing notes, reports and presentations as required
• Provide advice to senior officials concerning relevant issues
• Develop policies, guidelines, standards and reporting systems
• Review existing programs
• Adapt existing programs as required
• Research new programs
• Design and develop new programs
• Design program components
• Make recommendations about adapting programs to meet unique needs
• Research training needs
• Research training options
• Develop and deliver required training
• Evaluate programs and components
• Prepare and distribute program information and opportunities
• Identify potential funding sources
• Assist with proposal preparations
• Monitor that proposal requirements are being met
• Monitor budgets
Please send a copy of your CV and supporting documents to our Administration and Communication officer Tshepang Maganedisa at .Please use “programs officer vacancy” as the email subject line
Outreach officer vacancy
Outreach officer vacancy
Closing date for applications: 15 October 2014
TIA is currently seeking an Outreach officer; commencement of work is November 2014
About us
Transgender and Intersex Africa is a human right organisation found in 2010 by transgender activist, Tebogo Nkoana. We are a registered as a non-profit organisation that lobbying and advocating for the rights of black trans andintersex persons in South Africa and are slowly engaging on a regional level. Our long term goal is to increase the quality and accessibility of comprehensive healthcare for rural and township based transgender and intersex persons in South Africa and to also ensure visibility and gender recognition of transgender and intersex people through a human rights frame work.
Our long term outcomes are:
• To enforce trans healthcare within primary health services in South Africa
• To ensure the recognition of trans and intersex health needs within the national department of health.
• A national HIV response that is inclusive of trans health needs, vulnerability and issues.
• Simple accessibility to gender marker changes within Identity documents though provisions made available by act 49 of 2003.
• A raised positive profile of trans and intersex issues among cultural, traditional and religious groups though outreach activities and campaigns and media.
• To ensure a human rights sensitive approach to intersex health care
Job purpose
To support implementation of outreach and advocacy projects, with particular responsibilities for supporting transgender and intersex individuals
Key working relationships:
Advocacy Coordinator
Outreach Coordinator
Programs Officer
Duties and responsibilities:
• Organising and facilitating workshops;
• Managing individual fieldwork schedules;
• Providing fieldwork progress updates on a weekly & monthly basis;
• Write reports on fieldwork activities;
• Assist constituencies via email and also on a face to face basis.
Good understanding of transgender and intersex issues
Minimum 2 years’ experience working on programmes or projects related to civil society policy engagement
Strong understanding of programme design and logical frameworks, including links between objectives, activities and budgets.
Ability to engage on social media, ensuring communication and feedback about our work and projects
Commitment to and experience of working within diverse teams or networks.
Excellent communication skills in English and the proven ability to write effectively for different purposes, including programme reports and summaries, news updates and advocacy briefings.
Excellent interpersonal skills over email, telephonic skills and the ability to work well with others, as well as remotely.
Strong ability to plan, organise and prioritise work, and the ability to meet tight deadlines under pressure.
Willingness to work flexibly, including additional hours on an exceptional basis at peak times, and to undertake significant travel
Good understanding of South Africa’s gender identity policy issues.
Ability to work in at least one South Africa’s official languages except English.
Experience in designing or delivering training and/or capacity-building materials.
Experience of support monitoring, evaluation & learning activities, including online monitoring and reporting systems.
Experience of events management.
Experience of working with civil society campaigning networks and coalitions, and understanding of the dynamics including communication, coordinated action and campaigns.
Please send a copy of your CV and supporting documents to our Administration and Communication officer Tshepang Maganedisa at .Please use “outreach officer vacancy” as the email subject line
Dr Collin
Remember the fight we had with Doctor Collin last year? How he refused to issue a referral letter to one of his trans* patients so that the person can apply for a new Identity document with the Department of Home Affairs? How he only issued the letter once we intervened and yet the letter was incorrectly written? Well… we are proud to say that after all the fighting and advocating, the trans* man who was mistreated by Dr Collin has just been contacted by the Department of Home Affairs to come and collect his new ID book. He is now legally recognized as male and it will reflect on his ID book. We all know how difficult and almost impossible it is to try and live without an ID book in South Africa, let alone an ID book that does not reflect your true gender.
A Win Against Transphobia in the Workplace
Finally after much struggle and lobbying, one of our constituents who is a trans* woman has been employed by a large retail store in South Africa. She had been struggling to get a job because of the discrimination she faced as a transgender person. We are constantly flooded by queries from people who are about to begin their medical transition and they are afraid to loose their jobs because of workplace discrimination on the basis of their gender identity.
The constitution of South Africa prohibits all unfair discrimination on the basis of sex, gender or sexual orientation, whether committed by the government or by a private party. The Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, restates this constitutional prohibition.
Transphobia in the workplace is unproductive and unconstitutional!!!!!!
An Open Letter to the One-in-Nine Campaign
… in Response to the Exclusion of Transgender and Intersex Persons in the Feminist Political Education Training
The divisions in an already fragile women’s movement in South African are not helpful.
Dear colleagues
It is with great disappointment that we learnt about the exclusion of transgender and intersex persons from a feminist political education training, presented by the One in Nine Campaign. We were truly shocked when a colleague forwarded to us an invitation for the Feminist Political Education 2013 Programme, which set out, amongst others, the following requirement:
The course is open to female-born people who are not male-identified.
This requirement effectively sets out to exclude transgender and intersex individuals from the course. Asked about this blatant exclusion, 1 in 9 campaign director, Carrie Shelver responded as follows:
“I am glad that you raised these concerns with us directly and we welcome the opportunity to respond and share with you our ideas and thinking. I need to forward your email to the board of the Campaign so that we can collectively respond to the issues raised with the seriousness they warrant. I am cc’ing Pumla Gqola, One in Nine Campaign Chair of the board. I hope you will give us a few days to do this. Once we have sent this through we would also be happy to meet and discuss it in person with you and others who may be interested”.
The final response from the One in Nine Campaign came on 23 February 2013 from which we drew two very disturbing implications:
“The organisation (One in Nine) is not an LGBT organisation, even though many of the active members identify as lesbian, bisexual and gender non-conforming. Based on our analysis of social oppression and our capacity to respond, the campaign focuses its limited resources on developing leadership of female born people who are socialized as women and who live their lives within the social category women and whose access to resources and spaces are accordingly determined and so frequently under attack”.
The interpretation of this sentiment wishes to imply privilege on the part of transgender and intersex women in South Africa. This is not a true reflection of the lived experiences of this group of vulnerable women often excluded from mainstream personal development opportunities, and the denial of basic human rights such as education, exacerbate this context for transgender and intersex women in South Africa.
“The criteria for the One in Nine Feminist Political Education Program is an articulation of patriarchal values. As a woman, I was born intersex, socialized as a woman and lived within the social category of woman. Intersex women also experience limited access to resources, their lives and health are frequently under attack, and therefore, you can never imply privilege on my part”. – Nthabiseng Mokoena, Transgender and Intersex Africa (TIA).
“On 13 April 2013, the One in Nine Campaign is called all on LGBTI persons to gather for a public mass meeting to discuss Joburg Pride. As much as we don’t support the privatisation of our sexual identities, as has been the case with Joburg Pride. We find it ironic that Transgender and Intersex person affected by Joburg Pride is called upon to support this initiative, however, the One in Nine Campaign in not clear on its partnerships in a broader feminist agenda that advances all women and feminists irrespective of how society has biologically imposed an identity. The One in Nine Campaign seems to affirm this very state construction of gender which goes against the human rights approach taking place in other countries”. – Jabulani Perreira – Iranti-org.
Carrie went on to explain that in the past “One in Nine Campaign had very successful collaborations with a broad range of progressive organisations – including those that work with men, including gay and transgender men and women”.
This statement echoes the very problematic categorization of gender, gender identities and sexual orientations. From where we are, this seems to echo the conglomeration of both gender identities and sexual orientations into one big category of masculinity and masculine identities. This does not speak to the autonomy of transgender people as an identity separate from those of both cisgender and gay men. Moreover, this places transgender women on a very masculine spectrum of identities. With all due respect, no feminist, no women and no person can determine the gender identity of another human being, least of all, the expression thereof. Says Liesl Theron of Gender DynamiX: “This is an articulation of 1970’s, second wave feminism characterised by a very transphobic attitude”.
S.H.E, the social, health and empowerment FEMINIST collective of transgender and intersex women of Africa is an organisation established in 2010 to address the concerns and issues of transgender and intersex women through feminist analysis. We have organised and established ourselves to advocate against the very attitude portrayed by the One in Nine campaign.
We are familiar with this mentality of exclusion and have long been advocating against it. What is particularly disappointing about this instance is that it plays off against the backdrop of an already very fragile women’s sector.
At S.H.E, we advocate for women, all women, despite the fact that our name mentions only transgender and intersex women. We advocate for transgender and cisgender sex workers alike. Our work in the Amanitare coalition on sexual and reproductive health rights had a broad focus and as an organisation, we particularly voiced for rural, HIV+, transgender & intersex women, and sex workers. Our focus has always been to create an enabling legal and policy environment for all women.
“If you can recall, I was one of the women in the audience at a presentation on the IPAS tool used in surgical abortions at the People’s Healthy Assembly during July 2012. This was not because I want to force myself and the organisation I represent in cisgender women spaces but because abortion rights is a cross cutting issue in all our communities. Again, with women at the centre of this problem, as a transgender woman, I fully support abortion rights for ALL women, even those gender non-conforming. The same goes for all the other women issues like breast cancer, domestic violence, discrimination in employment and high HIV rates amongst women. These issues and many others we support for transgender and cisgender women alike. We do this because we don’t believe in the creation of categories of women. This is the very tendency that creates hierarchies of power, the same hierarchies of power visible in patriarchy. What we need, as a country right now, is to look beyond our differences and recognise the bigger issues that oppress and marginalise women”.– Leigh Ann van der Merwe – S.H.E
An interesting question on which we are pondering is whether this sentiment is supported by all the members of the One in Nine Campaign? We do believe that your membership comprise some transgender and intersex supportive organisations and it would be interesting to find out whether or not they support the sentiment uttered by the secretariat.
“On 13 April 2013, the One in Nine Campaign has called all on LGBTI persons and organisations to gather for a public mass meeting to discuss Joburg Pride. As much as we don’t support the privatisation of our sexual identities, as has been the case with Joburg Pride. We find it ironic that Transgender and Intersex person affected by Joburg Pride is called upon to support this initiative, however, the One in Nine Campaign in not clear on its partnerships in relation to its broader feminist agenda that advances all women and feminists irrespective of how society has biologically imposed an identity. The One in Nine Campaign seems to affirm this very State construction of gender which goes against the human rights approach taking place in other countries,” says Jabu Pereira, Director of Iranti-Org.
We believe this attitude is merely taking us backward and breaks down an already fragile feminist and human rights movement.
We urge the One in Nine Campaign to do away with this discriminatory requirement for participation in this training course. It echoes inequality and discrimination, the very qualities that we see in the transphobic societies in which we live and survive each day of our lives. I am ending my letter with a quote from the transgender feminist, Julia Serano:
“Feminism is based on the conviction that women are far more than merely the sex of the bodies that we are born into, and our identities and abilities are capable of transcending the restrictive nature of gender socialization we endure in our childhoods”. Love and kinship are two of the most central tenets of feminism.
We trust our words will find a place in your hearts and minds. Moreover, we hope this letter will set off some much needed dialogue to bridge the divide that exists.
We shall await a response from you.
Best regards
Leigh Ann van der Merwe – coordinator S.H.E
This letter is endorsed by the following organisations:
Gender DynamiX
Transgender and Intersex Africa
Taboo Africa Premier (TIA featured)
The premier of Taboo Africa. The show will be aired on Sunday, 30th June at 21h00 on National Geographic Channel. Tebogo Nkoana, Director of Transgender and Intersex Africa, and Nthabiseng Mokoena, Advocacy Coordinator at Transgender and Intersex Africa, will be featured in the episode.
(Click or on picture to follow link)
No Body Is Shameful – The Interface Project
The Interface Project’s (TIP) mission is to gather and share personal stories of people living with an intersex condition or difference of sex development (DSD) to spread the message, “No Body Is Shameful.”
Against the Rising Tide (A Poem)
Hated without reason
Living on a mission
To love with full conviction
This body is my affliction
Hence I make that decision
To enter this transition
And bring my soul to living
As I emerge from my cocoon
Like a bird freed from its caging
I hear the storms surrounding me
Society is raging
Their whispers turn to murmurs
And their murmurs turn to shouting
The pupae is a butterfly
But they surround it, doubting
They call me an imposter
And the waters rise in judgment
Never have I, felt so complete
Though I’ve been left abandoned
Their clenched fists pound my naked skin
They pound me like a drumbeat
Blow after blow, in this downpour
They cannot hear my heart beat
The cruelty and rising tide
So many have been shattered
Their only crime, to be themselves
For which they’re killed and battered
What is the crime in being myself?
That death should be my sentence
I only live to show my love
And long for your acceptance
I am Trans…and against the tide,
Of disapproval in their eyes
Still I rise….
Affirming truth…
I shall not choose,
To live a lie
International Transgender Day of Rememberance
For Immediate Release
The 14th International Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is being held on 20 November 2012. TDOR occurs annually on November 20 to memorialize those who have been killed as a result transphobia. The day is also used to raise public awareness of hate crimes against transgender and gender non-conforming people. Transgender Europe’s Trans Murder Monitoring project has revealed a total of 265 cases of reported killings of transgender people from November 15th 2011 to November 14th 2012 worldwide.
The project’s preliminary results reveal 1083 reports of murdered trans* people in 56 countries since January 2008. Sadly, this year saw an exponential increase in the number of hate crimes such as physical assaults and murders against transgender and gender non-conforming people in South Africa. We paid farewell to Vuyisa Dayisi from East London and Sasha lee Gordon from Wynberg who were both brutally murdered because of their gender identity. Many other cases were not reported as the victims and their families feared secondary victimization from the police.
Transgender and Intersex Africa would also like to highlight the increase in the number of suicide deaths by transgender people as a result of depression caused by trans* related issues. There were two reported cases of suicide deaths by transgender people this year. The cases revealed the lack of post transitioning support for trans* persons in South Africa, they also revealed the lack of justice for the trans* community in the country. One of the victims, Liyaah Star, committed suicide after she was wrongfully accused of raping a 15 year old boy and being detained in a male prison as a result of the accusations. Since TDOR is on a Tuesday this year, Transgender and Intersex Africa will host the TDOR event on the 24th of November at Constitution Hill in Johannesburg in order to make the event accessible to more people. Ironically, Constitution Hill is home to the South African Constitutional Court. Even though South Africa has a constitution that is praised around the world for its inclusion of gender and sexual diversity, the trans* community in the country is still discriminated against, the laws of the country have failed to protect and serve the trans* community.
The event will include a candle lighting ceremony and talks from key note speakers in the South African LGBTI community. “This day brings great sadness and anger for me. Transgender people take their own lives or are murdered simply because they are different. I urge South Africans to realize the value of another human being’s life. Transgender people are human beings and deserve to live too”- says Tebogo Nkoana, Executive Director at Transgender and Intersex Africa. “The increase of hate crimes against the trans* community indicates that a lot still has to be done to sensitize the African continent about gender and sexual diversity. The misguided notion that transgenderism is not African cannot be used as an excuse to discriminate against trans* people any longer. South Africa belongs to all who live in it, as the freedom charter states.” Says Nthabiseng Mokoena, Advocacy coordinator at Transgender and Intersex Africa.
For more information contact: Tebogo Nkoana Executive Director at or
Nthabiseng Mokoena Advocacy Coordinator